The idea behind Squeakshark
Emerging musicians with no reputation but great songs find it difficult to sell their songs because of a lack of fans. This is where Squeakshark comes in; our website allows musicians to exchange their music for likes or follows on their social media. This allows new artists to build up a fan base and expand their social media presence.
Why I like working for Squeakshark
Squeakshark is a common project created by three highly motivated friends who put a lot of effort and free time into the development of Squeakshark.
We all work part time and out of pure passion for the project, which is why I like spending every free minute I have on improving the website.
Who is behind Squeakshark?
The idea of Squeakshark was developed by Konrad OldMoney, a music producer from Vancouver. His vision of a music platform is being made a reality by two programmers, Maciej and me.